by Megan Riley | Jul 19, 2021 | Head shape, Infant developement, Therapy
Like adults, teenagers, and adolescents and all in between, the body should always be moving and the same goes for your baby. While awake, your baby should often be repositioned to prevent their heads from constantly pushing against cribs, playpens and other surfaces....
by Megan Riley | Jun 8, 2015 | Infant developement, Physical and Occupational therapy
Why do occupational and physical therapists care so passionately about “babies exploring their environment” via rolling and crawling? Why do first grade teachers often have students march in place during the first days of a new school year to assess which...
by Megan Riley | May 19, 2015 | cranial band
30%. That’s our number. Of all the babies that come through our doors, 30% end up needing a cranial band. That means 70% are helped with positioning; myofascial release; refinement of daily routines; kinisiotaping; and so on. Very important to note that if we...
by Megan Riley | May 4, 2015 | Infant developement
Sharpening our Saw meaning we continually focus on learning so we can help babies as comfortably and effectively as possible. On Tuesday Kristin Daley, PhD who specializes in sleep generously shared her knowledge with us. Part of what is on every infant and...
by Megan Riley | May 6, 2014 | cranial band, Therapy
There is an article in the NY Times which references research indicating that baby helmets do not help infants with plagiocephaly or brachycephaly. To understand how that conclusion could have been reached, I read the original research in the BMJ. There are multiple...