
Torticollis is a condition where an infant has a preference for looking in one direction. Often the baby also tilts her head and has other related asymmetries. Intervening when this is first noticed is highly recommended to avoid further complications.

  • By addressing early, from a couple weeks of age on, the infant is set to develop symmetrically.
  • The ability to roll left and right.
  • The ability to use both hands equally.
  • The baby’s head shape has a better chance of developing naturally
  • Issues of plagiocephaly & brachycephaly will be lessened.
  • Often, 1 to 3 therapy sessions and an individualized program for home is all that is needed.



Occupational or physical therapy is often recommended for infants with torticollis. The highly specialized therapists at Carolina Kinder Development:

  • Start with a thorough evaluation of your infant.
  • Come up with a plan to best help your baby.

We understand that part of the plan may be related to insurance benefits and encourage you to speak with us freely as to possible constraints so we can best help your baby.

  • Specialized, individualized pediatric occupational or physical therapy with a focus on a Home Program
  • Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle and effective manual therapy that by releasing restrictions, improvements in feeding, torticollis and development are often seen
  • Cranial bands or orthotics (baby helmets) may be recommended if plagiocephaly or brachycephaly are noted. This recommendation is based on a combination of factors – severity and age being key factors.

To help parents of infants who want to learn about head shape and development, CKD created a series of infant development videos. They are full of ways to make your baby’s routines help head shape and development. They ideal for all babies and an excellent starting place for babies with torticollis.