by Susan Klemm | Mar 9, 2024 | Speech and Language
In 2024, most people have heard of speech therapy. They either know someone who has needed speech intervention or maybe they have a family member who had it. Most people have an idea of what speech therapy looks like, although there are many myths associated with it,...
by Susan Klemm | Dec 1, 2021 | Speech and Language
Your child just turned three years old and you finally had a social get-together with friends and family. No doubt this was a big deal for your child as during the pandemic your child celebrated not one, but potentially two birthdays via Zoom or Teams! Grandparents...
by Susan Klemm | Feb 25, 2021 | Infant developement, Speech and Language
Play precedes language, so up until age 7, our children learn language best through play and hands-on activities. This may involve various levels of play that target all of the senses. Children also learn best through language concepts they can experience. Here are...
by Susan Klemm | Jan 14, 2021 | Infant developement, Speech and Language, Therapy
What Sounds/Words Should My Infant Be Producing and When (adapted from “Nobody Ever Told Me [Or my Mother] That” by Diane Bahr M.S., CCC-SLP, CIMI; pgs 219-222) 0-15 months 1-month: Vowel-like sounds, mostly “ee” and “ah” (mostly nasal productions) within cooing 2-3...
by Tammy Herrmann | Jan 13, 2021 | Infant bonding, Infant developement, Infant Feeding, Speech and Language, Therapy
Language development begins at birth. The first signs of social communication begin with eye contact and speaking to your baby, responding to his/her vocalizations and sounds and bonding. Bonding: Skin to skin contact is wonderful in those first months for many...