by Susan Klemm | Dec 1, 2021 | Speech and Language
Your child just turned three years old and you finally had a social get-together with friends and family. No doubt this was a big deal for your child as during the pandemic your child celebrated not one, but potentially two birthdays via Zoom or Teams! Grandparents...
by Susan Klemm | Nov 2, 2021 | Head shape
Have questions about head shape issues and what to expect at your appointment at CKD? Check out this series of short videos on addressing head shape issues with Stacy Conder, PT. Head shape issues can be successfully resolved with a holistic (looking at the whole...
by Susan Klemm | Sep 21, 2021 | Equipment, Infant developement
By Susan Klemm, MS, OTR/L and Stacy Conder, PT. While swaddling isn’t for every baby, it is a helpful tool for many. Prior to birth, neonates are in a very snug environment for many weeks. There is compression created by fluid and the walls of the uterus. Going...
by Susan Klemm | Aug 11, 2021 | Head shape, Therapy, Torticollis
There are a variety of factors which may result in a baby having flattening of the bones in their head. A common thread through these factors is restriction of the bones by outside forces or restriction of movement of the head. Before getting into more detail, let’s...
by Susan Klemm | Jul 28, 2021 | Equipment, Head shape
After some pediatricians and occupational therapists clanged the alarm bell for years, the Consumer Protection Safety Commission had Fisher Price recall the Rock ‘n Play because of at least 50 linked infants deaths. Now, the CPSC has required Fisher Price to remove...
by Megan Riley | Jul 19, 2021 | Head shape, Infant developement, Therapy
Like adults, teenagers, and adolescents and all in between, the body should always be moving and the same goes for your baby. While awake, your baby should often be repositioned to prevent their heads from constantly pushing against cribs, playpens and other surfaces....
by Susan Klemm | Jun 21, 2021 | cranial band, Head shape, Infant developement, Physical and Occupational therapy
What’s the difference between a CKD physical or occupational therapist and an orthotist on staff? Plenty. Orthotists are specially trained health care professionals that are skilled at fitting external devices such as back braces and foot splints and sometimes cranial...
by Susan Klemm | Apr 7, 2021 | CST and MFR, Physical and Occupational therapy, Therapy
The definition of occupation in occupational therapy is a holistic term meaning, that which occupies one’s time in a meaningful manner. For babies and young children it centers on playing, feeding, self-care skills such as dressing, and often handwriting. It is...
by Susan Klemm | Mar 9, 2021 | Equipment, Infant bonding, Infant developement
As pediatric occupational and physical therapists who work mainly with infants, we’ve witnessed a time in history where the amount of baby equipment being used by many parents and child care centers has sky-rocketed. This trend is having developmental implications for...
by Susan Klemm | Feb 25, 2021 | Infant developement, Speech and Language
Play precedes language, so up until age 7, our children learn language best through play and hands-on activities. This may involve various levels of play that target all of the senses. Children also learn best through language concepts they can experience. Here are...