baby_development_video-150x150Carolina Kinder Development is serious about helping parents know how to promote development and head shape. We are proud to announce our  videos on demand. These videos are designed for parents of baby’s with flat heads or flat head syndrome or other abnormal head shapes. They are there to answer basic development questions.

There are 16 amazing videos discussing a wide range of topics such as car seat alignment, the best baby sleep position, and the proper way to rotisserize your baby.

All the videos are between 4 and 18 minutes and are available for immediate download and viewing.  They are sure to answer many questions about your baby such as:

  • Does your baby prefer to look in one direction?
  • Why does my baby hate tummy time?
  • Do you wonder about baby equipment such as swings and how much time is okay for your baby to be in them?

All the baby development videos are reasonably priced @ $8 and a very special offer of $39 if you order all 16.

Please watch our trailer:

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