When your child needs specialized care, Carolina Kinder Development is devoted to providing it. We work diligently to utilize whatever insurance coverage you may have. However, it is not unusual for a family to pay out-of-pocket for treatment because they believe strongly in our approach. We are mindful in providing only services that each infant needs. As highly trained and licensed occupational and physical therapists, we have spent years laboring within the requirements of insurance companies while providing superior quality. Please read about our approach for military families with Tricare Insurance for cranial bands.

We provide the following services to parents to help with insurance:

  • Educate parents on the insurance process
  • Check benefits
  • Submit pre-determinations and follow up
  • Submit and follow up on claims

While we include the above services, we urge you to contact your insurance carrier to cross verify your benefits/coverage. The rules become progressively more complicated; deductibles continue to increase; and multiple categories of deductibles are now commonplace. Ultimately the parent is financially responsible for the services their infant receives.

Please note that because of the depth and breadth of experience, additional training, and the quality standards of the cranial orthotic, resolution of your infant’s issues are often addressed as quickly as possible. That is, fewer therapy sessions and cranial banding may be utilized than with other providers. This is crucial to understand as you make decisions for your infant. Utilizing our approach, cost can often be less even though our rate per session may at times be higher.

Cash, check, VISA, and Mastercard are accepted, as well as Health Savings Accounts (HSA). It is our policy to receive payment at the time of service for the portion you owe. At this time, we do not accept NC Medicaid.

*Policy subject to change depending upon changes in the healthcare climate