Pediatric Therapy in Charlotte, NC

CAROLINA KINDER DEVELOPMENT is a practice with a holistic and thorough approach devoted to the head shape, feeding, speech, and developmental needs of infants through the early years. We are experts at the prevention and treatment of torticollis, plagiocephaly, and brachycephaly, including cranial band treatment when needed. Additional areas of expertise include lagging development, late walking, early infant and childhood feeding, speech, gross and fine motor, handwriting, parent education classes for the early months of life.

Our services include:  Physical Therapy. Occupational Therapy. Speech and Language Therapy. Cranial Band treatment.Feeding Therapy. Craniosacral Therapy (CST). Parent Education Classes.

Cranial Bands Charlotte, NC
Speech therapy for toddlers and occupational therapy pediatric near me

Caswell Road Clinic in Charlotte, NC