Are you concerned about your baby’s head shape (plagiocephaly or brachycephaly)?  Does your baby turn in one direction frequently (torticollis)?  Would you like to know what more you can do to help your baby’s development?  Are you wondering what to do if your baby hates tummy time?

Flat head syndrome and turning in one direction are common issues and the first step to helping is to consult with a highly specialized occupational or physical therapist.  Carolina Kinder Development in Charlotte, North Carolina has been devoted to this highly specialized area since 2006 and has a superior reputation for utilizing cranial bands only when necessary.  Occupational or physical therapy is often all that is needed to help your infant.

Why does it matter?   When there is flattening of the head that is moderate to severe (plagiocephaly), the infant has a higher likelihood of having issues related to jaw misalignment such as pain with chewing and speaking, visual issues, ill-fitting glasses and protective helmets, and sleep apnea.

Also, infants who turn in one direction tend to develop many other asymmetrical patterns with rolling and eye and hand use which can impede their overall development.


What to Know About Virtual Visits

What would a session entail? The first session includes you, your baby, and any other caregivers.  It is fine if other children are present.   

Virtual Head Shape Only –  After a detailed medical and daily routine history and a six angle visual assessment of your infant’s head shape, we will give you recommendations as to whether cranial band (helmet) treatment is most likely indicated at this juncture. Cranial band services continue to be provided in our Charlotte office.  If outside of the Charlotte area, we may have a recommendation for a provider closer to you.  

Virtual Head Shape and Torticollis (neck issues) – Session includes a detailed review of your infant’s medical history; a six angle visual assessment of your infant’s head shape; assessment of your baby’s patterns of looking, turning, and tilting including a postural assessment in various positions; and overall development and routines.  Based on these specifics, we will develop a detailed home program. It will include ways to adjust your baby’s routines to promote correction of head shape and gentle activities and exercises may be taught. Much of what we teach is gentle and enjoyable for you and your infant. Occasionally there are more challenging exercises, but nothing is painful for your infant.   

You will receive recommendations as to whether cranial band (helmet) treatment is most likely indicated at this juncture. Cranial band services continue to be provided in our Charlotte office. If outside of the Charlotte area, we may have a recommendation for a provider closer to you. 

Virtual Developmental – Session includes a detailed medical history followed by an evaluation of overall motor and visual development including tummy time skill, rolling, crawling, reaching, and walking. Older children in need of handwriting or fine motor skills are also covered   In addition to babies or children just needing a little help to begin moving, we also have extensive experience with children that have more involved issues related to prematurity, cerebral palsy, syndromes, etc.  Instructions for what to do next at home will be provided. 

Virtual Feeding  – Session includes a detailed medical and feeding history followed by an evaluation of your infant or child’s feeding skill.  Instructions for what to do next at home will be provided.

Virtual Speech – Session includes a detailed medial speech-language assessment of your infant or toddler.  

Virtual Follow up sessions – If follow-up sessions are recommended, progress with head shape and torticollis if applicable will be assessed; we will direct you to move your baby through various positions, and will update what you are doing at home.

Why choose us if you live outside of Charlotte? There are several areas we can help via Virtual. First, if it is possible to correct your infant’s head shape without a cranial band, we can help. We can teach you specific, individualized ways to adjust your baby’s routines and teach you simple exercises. Time is extremely important and this is not the time to rely on YouTube videos that do not address specifics for your infant and could be unsafe. Secondly, we can also give our opinion as to whether it is necessary at this juncture to seek cranial orthotic treatment. Third, if we consider a cranial band necessary, we are available in Charlotte. If Charlotte is too far for your needs, we can give you pointers on what to ask potential cranial band providers in your area. 

How much does a virtual session cost? Many insurance companies are now accepting virtual. We also offer self-pay rates. Please call for details.

 -All services provided by licensed occupational, physical, and speech therapists-








© 2023 Carolina Kinder Development

It's a lifestyle video

Devoted to infant development and prevention and treatment of torticollis, plagiocephaly and brachycephaly.